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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Getting to Know Alexas

Going into the Boulder Public Library for the first day of reading buddies I was eager to meet and help shape my little buddy as a reader. However, what I have found is that Alexas has shaped me to be her ideal mentor. She is a bubbly six-year-old with blond hair and huge blue eyes. She has a happy go lucky attitude and does what she pleases as long as it complies with the library rules. Every time she arrives she always has a big smile and gives me an even bigger hug. She admires her brother a great deal, which is apparent from the stories she tells about him and her desire to sit near him during our sessions. Her brother, Nick, is a very good reader and I think that motivates Alexas’s desire to read.

A part of Alexas’s personality is revealed to me during every story I read to her. While reading Pinkalicious by Victoria Kann I learned that Alexas is a ballerina because she demonstrated what the word “pirouette” means when we read it in the book. That was the first day and still she will twirl around the library as we go to pick out books. I have also learned how insightful she is. She is constantly making predictions about what is coming on the next page. I was particularly impressed by Alexas when we read My Mother’s Secret Life by Rebecca Emberley. In the story a girl takes a nap and dreams her mother is in the circus but when she wakes up her mother is actually just her mother. Alexas’s love for illustrations led her to realize that in the girl’s dream her mother was wearing a sparkly outfit with sparkling nails and when she woke up her mother’s nail polish was the same as in the dream.

Alexas is very much in charge of how our meetings go. If I pick out a book that does not appeal to her she will simply put it back. She is very particular about what books she likes to read. She likes books with only a few words on each page. That way, after I have read it to her once she can reiterate it back to me. She is always pleased with herself after she reads a book to me and often will read the book a few times over again. One book she particularly likes is a book called Pickle Things by Marc Brown. She wants to read it every session. As soon as we have finished decorating our name tags she goes straight to the shelf that Pickle Things is on to read it again. This past session we could not find it and looked on the computer and found that somebody had checked it out of the library. So, we used its absence as a chance to start writing our own story.

Alexas decided she wanted our book to be about a mermaid. Her ideas were a bit jumbled so I asked her several questions to get the story more on track. In the process she dropped the mermaid idea, which complicated a part of the story that had to do with whales, but in the end the story came out quite nicely and she even started thinking of pictures she could draw for each page. Admittedly, there were a few instances that I had to fight laughter because her ideas did not necessarily flow together. Still, it was fun for both of us to play with her imagination and create something unique.

Alexas has showed me how empowering reading can be. Reading teaches you things. For example, How to Build Hair-Raising Haunted Houses by Megan Peterson taught us how to decorate our houses in spooky ways for Halloween. Alexas enjoyed the ideas in it so much she checked it out of the library so she could test out the designs on her own house. Since the first session, Alexas has developed much more of a taste for books. She knows which books she likes and she knows how to find them. On the first day, I told her we would be writing a book and she looked puzzled. I told her to start thinking about things to write about and she had a rather blank look on her face as though nothing came to mind. Last session, when I asked her again what she might like the write about, she immediately lit up with all the possibilities then finally decided on one she liked. We were able to write a story that we are both proud of and one that, hopefully, everybody will enjoy hearing on our last session when Alexas will read it aloud.

Friday, October 12, 2012

First sessions with SWAP!

As I looked at the sticky note with my name, posted outside the SWAP door, I quickly scanned the few details about my student. The first thing that I noticed was that her native tongue was Spanish and that she was a 1A student. I wasn't sure what to think about my students English knowledge, I knew that 1A means that she is in the begining level, but other than that I was a bit anxious to see how everything would turn out.

As I met up with my student, I was able to learn that she knew a lot of English vocabulary. What perhaps prevented many people as seeing her as knowleadgable about English was the fact she is very shy. My student seems to gert a bit anxious about speaking in English, stating that she is very old (she is around 50) and started learning English very late in her life. Her trepidations about the English language were ones that I had heard before coming from my own relatives. It is very difficult for adults to have the role of learner, or ignorants as they sometimes view it, when speaking to a younger person. Their self esteem is injured, but that is something that they don't want to admit and so they cling to the idea that it may not be possible for them to learn perfect English.

Although I agree that adults are past the stage, because there is research that support this idea, of becoming 100% proficent in English, I always point out the fact that I have my own problems with English. I explained to my student that I understood her fears about speaking in English and looked down upon for her inproficent English, but that speaking it was still important. I continued to explain that she should feel comfortable speaking English with me, because it is a learning environment. A learning environment where mistakes will happen, but they will lead to further knowledge. After explaining all of this to her we proceded to go over the first lesson in the learning book about greetings.

As we began to cover the first lesson, I was able to see that she already knew this information. Here again I realized that her shyness and trepidation about speaking English with others, had made others believe that her English skills were lower than expected. So with this realization, I modified the lesson to include types of translations. I would give her examples of situations in Spanish and tell her the words, but then would ask her how that would translate into English. She did very well in this exercise and even admitted that she was glad that I am bilingual. This ability to communicate in Spanish, when her English skills failed, allowed her to gain more background information than would be possible if I only spoke in English.

Overall, I am very excited for the rest of semester. I am sure that she will continue to progress in her English vocabulary and hope that she will gain more confidence about speaking in English.

First Post

Many people often go about their daily lives somewhat mindlessly and most times do not take notice of the workers around them. These unseen people are doing jobs such as cleaning buildings or preparing our food which are crucial to running the CU campus. I have had the fortunate opportunity through the SWAP program to meet one of these behind the scenes workers. I have been helping Valentina for two sessions now with her English. She is an amazing woman with so much to say. First coming to the United States about 30 years ago from Mexico, she has worked at CU for 20 years and is currently working at Smith Residence Hall in the custodial department. Even though I am just starting to get to know Valentina, her persistence and drive to wanting to learn English amazes me. She is constantly repeating to herself concepts we go over in hopes that she will remember the new information.

Just the other day, during our second session, we started talking about past tenses and I asked “What did you do yesterday?” Her reply was, “I cooked.” Next was followed by a fifteen minute tangent about her sister’s birthday party she cooked for. She was describing how to make all of these traditional Mexican dishes. Even though I was not entirely able to decipher all of her Spanglish, it was clear her passion for cooking. I am constantly trying to find new ways of teaching the material in interesting ways and I believe I have through food. Overall, this has been a great experience and I continually find myself being challenged with explaining English rules that I haven’t been thought about since Elementary school.
At Family Learning center I don’t have a specific reading buddy, I mostly go around and help all the kids. I had one really awesome time on October 4th. I was helping a middle school boy named Benny to do his Algebra homework, and he at first was really turned off of having me helping him. But once I began to help him it was great working through his homework and seeing him understand! I would walk him through one problem and then have him do the next one and help him if he got stuck. Also we completely finished the worksheet even though he was not assigned the back of the sheet yet, but we finished it so he could be ahead for next week! He was really open by the end of the two hours and really understood the material, which was great! I feel like all the kids are more welcoming to me now that it is my third week. Also they are coming up to me for help instead of me having to go up to them and ask them if they need help. Since I have started family learning center I have really been exposed to a group of kids I was never exposed to when I was there age. I grew up in a really non-diverse county and growing up I always had everything I needed and was provided an outstanding education. To see these kids not having the same privileges I had growing up is very upsetting but I am happy I am able to help them grow and develop in the academic world! Also it has been cool seeing the kid’s switch from English to Spanish like it was no problem. It has shown me how their Spanish really is part of their identity, they will talk about things like "its a Mexican thing" or "its a Mexican drink". I have really enjoyed my experience and can’t wait to continue volunteering!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reading Buddies First Blog

I was a little nervous for reading buddies before the first meeting and information session. It didn't help when I was the only one to show up 20 minutes late either. But, once I got my buddies information my anxiety turned to excitement. I've never held a job that doesn't involve working with youth. And I've learned a lot about myself during the years and hours I've spent with kids like the fact that 5-7 year old boys are my favorite age group to work with. So when I saw that Josiah, my buddy, is a 5 year old boy I knew we were going to have a good time.

When Josiah and I first met I could tell a lot about him by the way he hugged his mommy's leg to hide from me and was slow to respond when I asked him questions about his self. But I broke his nervous shell when I made a horrible joke about him owning 3... BILLION cats (He really only has 3 cats). After that incident I just became the silly 5 year old me so we could relate and get comfortable. Since that first day Josiah and I have had a ball every wednesday.

Our reading sessions usually begins with some silly name tag antics followed by us fighting over the big yellow rocking chair. Once its time to read Josiah heads straight for the next "Fly Guy" book in the series that we've been reading through. In one day we read 5 "Fly Guy" Books and every time I asked Josiah which one was his favorite he'd just stare me in the eyes with a wide grin and say "All of them!" and we'd keep on reading. I've started to notice Josiah's literature taste and I think he is too. Which is a big step for him and I because the very first day he had no idea what books he liked. I think this will really help us plan his own book.

My favorite part of my time with Josiah is the last 15 minutes. Because during that time we put our books away and break out the markers. Its my favorite time because I get to see the creativity Josiah puts on paper. He has made 2 masterpieces of scrap paper art. The first one titled "bleeding cat bleeding cat" and the second one is called "dog". All titles were his idea.

Overall I look forward to reading buddies every week and it's definitely a highlight of my week. I can't wait to go tomorrow!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hello bloggers!

My Ling 1900 experience is somewhat unique. Last year I teamed up with a program called “Reach out and Read.” The “Reach out and Read” program partners with doctors to prescribe books and encourage families to read together. Therefore, for this program I go to Clinica Health Center and encourage/read to children in the waiting room. I also have a mentor at Clincia Health Center and at the end of the appointments we inform families on the importance of reading and then give the child a free book to take home with them. Because I was already involved in this program I was allowed to continue with it AND become a part of the awesome program that Ling 1900 offers.

The patients at Clinica Health Center are often those who speak Spanish. Therefore, I have the opportunity to help the children learn/read English as well as to the opportunity to expand my Spanish. Often I talk to the parents first, asking if it is ok if I read with their child. When I encounter the families that do not speak English I pull out some of my Spanish books. I then start attempting to read Spanish, getting giggles here and there from the children due to my obvious lack of excellence with this language. This gets the children to open up. They often proceed to come over and help me with my Spanish, which in return helps them with their reading! Then after we are comfortable with each other I’ll pull out a beginner English picture book. This is a great way of helping the children read English. Seeing that I mess up at Spanish and need help they are no longer afraid to try reading English and ask for help.

If the child does speak English we take turns reading out loud. I help them with the words they have trouble with and encourage them to read more and more. Often when I’m reading to a child other children become curious and come over to read with us. This is a great way to demonstrate to families how reading can be fun and to help encourage the kids to read!

Overall, my experience at Clinica Health Center has been wonderful. I walk away knowing that I have made an impact in the lives of the kids and families.